“What Would My Coworkers Do?” A Story About Positive Work Culture and Shifting Mindsets

Abby Haralson

If any other Lemonade Stand team member were in my shoes right now, they would immediately be over there already helping out.

WWMCD? “What would my coworkers do” has become a bit of a motto at Lemonade Stand after Caleb Andrews, one of our web design pros, had a mindset shift while headed home for Thanksgiving vacation. Take a look:

“I didn’t realize when telling it that it would be this impactful. It’s kinda cool it’s followed me this far! So, right before our Thanksgiving break, I was working in the office in Orem and we all finished work early that day to get a head start on vacation.

For the two months I’ve been here, I’ve been hearing the Build and Bless stories each week and the fact that my coworkers would see an opportunity to use the card and bless people so naturally. And they would just do it. I was just so impressed by that.

So I was the first one to leave the office and it was a cold, cloudy, kinda windy day. I was in my own head, just wanting to get home early and get a head start on this Thanksgiving break. But across the little business park we’re in, I saw a mom and her son outside trying to move these huge wooden pallets into the dumpster.

It was windy and they were struggling to get all this cardboard and the pallets over the tall edge of the dumpster. Honestly, I didn’t think much of it—I was headed to my car; my mind was somewhere else. Going to help them was just not something I probably would’ve done before. I got to my car and a thought popped into my head:

‘If any other Lemonade Stand team member were in my shoes right now, they would immediately be over there already helping out.’ That was a turning point for me. It pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and go over and ask if I could help them.

They were really appreciative of it—I mean, it was a really small thing. They would have gotten it done if I hadn’t gone over there but in the end, it was a life changing thing for me because knowing who I was before, I probably just wouldn’t have even thought of helping them and this opportunity would’ve passed me by.

Since then, I just see more opportunities in my life to help people. I was a little nervous to share it with the team because I didn’t use any of our Build Then Bless money, but everyone reminded me afterward that my experience is what Build Then Bless is all about—to think outward and try to find moments in your life where you can help people.”

Change Your People; Change Your Company; Change Your Community

Build Then Bless is the software but without people having experiences like these, it means nothing. We call ourselves a “culture operating system” because we want Build Then Bless to fundamentally change your employees, who then change your culture.

Think about the impact on productivity, problem–solving, collaboration, innovation, and employee retention when you have a team of people who are looking outward and actively seeking opportunities to help others.

Work culture shifts day by day, whether you’re being proactive about it or not. Use Build Then Bless as a tangible, actionable way to shift your culture in a positive and impactful direction. Your employees will be happier, your business more profitable, and your community better off for it.

Reach out to learn more about building your company culture with Build Then Bless!

Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand helps businesses around the world grow by building high quality custom websites with transparent internet marketing services and measurable results.

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Build Then Bless

Build Then Bless® is a first-of-its-kind cultural operating system for your business or organization that has the power to transform your people and truly change the world.

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