How Build Then Bless Keeps Non-Profit Donors Engaged Year Round (And Improves Reporting)

Abby Haralson

It’s November, and you’re scrambling to make your year-end fundraising goals. You reach out to your donors, hoping they’ll come through like they did last year. But wait, you haven’t reached out to them since…well, last November. Sound familiar?

Many non-profits fall into this cycle, engaging with donors heavily at the end of the year but going radio silent for the other eleven months. We understand why—it’s tough to consistently engage non-profit donors throughout the year when you’re busy running programs and managing your organization. But this strategy not only risks donor fatigue but also misses out on building strong, lasting relationships.

Non-profits know they need better donor engagement and Build Then Bless can simplify it for you. Here’s how.

What Do Non-Profit Donors Really Want?

Donors are more than just sources of funding; they are passionate individuals who want to make a difference. Understanding what they value can help non-profits build lasting relationships.

Making a Difference

At the core, donors want to feel that their contributions are making a tangible impact. They want to see real-world results and understand how their donations are being used.

Consistent Engagement

Donors appreciate regular updates and consistent communication throughout the year. This keeps them informed and makes them feel valued and connected to the cause.

Recognition and Gratitude

Everyone appreciates a “thank you.” Recognizing non-profit donors for their contributions, celebrating their milestones, and showing gratitude can go a long way in building loyalty and trust.

How Build Then Bless Engages Donors Year-Round

Build Then Bless is a comprehensive service platform designed to keep non-profits connected with their donors year-round. Here’s how:

Organized Data Management

BTB allows organizations to organize data about clients and donors efficiently. With everything in one place, tracking interactions and managing relationships becomes much easier.

One of your donors has a wedding anniversary coming up? Imagine how shocked they would be to get a small gift from your organization on their wedding anniversary—no asking for money, no solicitation—just a small gesture to remind them that they’re appreciated.

Improved Reporting

Transparency is key when it comes to non-profit donor engagement. BTB makes it simple to show donors how their dollars are being utilized. By using the “Stories” feature, your organization can quickly share updates, photos, and videos to give donors a glimpse into the impact of their contributions. This not only keeps them engaged but also builds trust and accountability.

The people that have been impacted by your organization can interact as well, giving your donors a unique look into the lives they’re changing. Build Then Bless opens the door to authentic communication and connection.

Building Interdepartmental Connections

BTB isn’t just for non-profit donor relations; it enhances communication across your entire organization. You can show appreciation for your volunteers by pushing out individual shoutouts to the entire organization, even gifting your volunteers for a job well done or a special occasion.

Donors can see how volunteers are using their time and volunteers can interact with those who have been impacted by their work. Building these connections strengthens the overall community and encourages continued engagement.

Don’t Wait Until November

Don’t wait until the end of the year to engage with your non-profit donors. With Build Then Bless, you can connect with them regularly, show gratitude, and keep them informed throughout the year. Engaged donors are more likely to continue supporting your cause and spread awareness to others.

Give them a reason to stay connected and make a difference all year round with Build Then Bless. Your organization and its impact will thank you for it! 

Get a look into the app or register to set up a demo.


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Build Then Bless® is a first-of-its-kind cultural operating system for your business or organization that has the power to transform your people and truly change the world.

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