Why Fun at Work Isn’t a Waste of Time

Abby Haralson

Work and fun—do they mix? At first glance, these two concepts might seem worlds apart. However, studies show that when employees have fun at work, it isn’t just about idle laughter or water cooler gossip.

It contributes significantly to a company’s bottom line, increases employee loyalty, and creates a happier, more productive workplace. Let’s explore why fun at work isn’t a waste of time and how it can transform your organization.

The Statistics Behind Fun at Work: Does It Impact Your Bottom Line?

Let’s talk numbers. According to a study conducted by the University of Warwick, happy employees are, on average, 12% more productive than their counterparts. This productivity boost can be attributed to the improved mental state of individuals who find joy and fulfillment in their work environment. When employees are content, they are more likely to take ownership of their tasks and deliver high-quality work.

Gallup researchers looked at the impact of employee engagement and compared the top- and bottom-quartile businesses. Here are the differences they found across several business KPIs:

  • 81% in absenteeism
  • 58% in patient safety incidents (mortality and falls)
  • 18% in turnover for high-turnover organizations
  • 43% in turnover for low-turnover organizations
  • 28% in shrinkage (theft)
  • 64% in safety incidents (accidents)
  • 41% in quality (defects)
  • 10% in customer loyalty/engagement
  • 18% in productivity (sales)
  • 23% in profitability

Between the highest performing businesses and the lowest performing, employee engagement (or fun, as we like to call it) created an 81% difference in employee absenteeism. The impact that has on bottom line will look different for every business but the fewer sick days an employee takes, the higher your profit will be.

And while bottom line is important, things like absenteeism and turnover communicate even deeper patterns and behaviors within your company.

I took an informal poll from some of my coworkers about how fun in the workplace helps them be more productive and here’s what they said:

  • “Getting to know coworkers makes me want to be better at my job so I don’t let them down—it’s easier to work in groups and collaborate with people you like.”
  • “I feel more comfortable asking for help and that makes me more effective.”
  • “Fun at work has impacted my team and company loyalty. I would have to get a job offer from an absolute dream job to get me to leave Lemonade Stand.”
  • “I feel more comfortable giving and taking feedback and we all know how important that is for productivity and growth.”

What Constitutes Fun for Employees?

Fun doesn’t necessarily involve grand gestures or expensive outings. It can be as simple as:

  • Casual Fridays where employees can dress down
  • Team-building activities like trivia games or scavenger hunts
  • Time built into meetings for get-to-know-you questions, icebreakers, or games
  • Celebrating holidays with office decorations and themed potlucks
  • Office perks like free snacks or coffee/tea stations
  • Giving employees a voice in company decisions through surveys or town hall meetings
  • Celebrating small wins with a quick office party or shared lunch
  • Recognizing work anniversaries, birthdays, and life milestones

These activities relax the formal boundaries often present in a professional setting. Employees get to know each other on a personal level, fostering stronger working relationships.

Fostering Fun as a Manager

Managers play a crucial role in setting the tone for workplace culture. Encouraging fun at work starts from the top. Here are some strategies for managers to foster a fun environment:

  1. Lead by Example: Participate in fun activities and show that you value them.
  2. Encourage Breaks: Promote the idea that taking short breaks can help recharge minds and improve focus.
  3. Open Communication: Create a space where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas for making the workplace more enjoyable.

Implementing these strategies can lead to a more cohesive and motivated team, ready to tackle challenges together.

A Fun-at-Work Software Solution

If you’re looking to streamline the process of integrating fun into the workplace, consider using a software solution like Build Then Bless . BTB offers features such as:

  • A dashboard to shout out coworkers and reward them with money for a job well done.
  • Reward systems, reminders, and a “Director of Happiness” to recognize and celebrate milestones and achievements.
  • A story-sharing platform for team members to share ways they’ve impacted their community.

BTB makes employee engagement intentional and tracks its impact on employee morale and productivity.

Fun at Work Is Worth the Effort

It’s worth it for your bottom line, worth it for your employee experience, and worth it for creating a happier workplace overall. And it doesn’t have to be hard—simple things go a long way and Build Then Bless can help! 90% of employees at Lemonade Stand say they stay at the company because of Build Then Bless (the software and the mission behind it).

Explore the platform and schedule a demo to see it in action.


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