Contagious—In a Good Way

Hailey Webster

Build Then Bless is the good flu—its influence is contagious. When we share it, we get to build one another in the process.

Have you ever let someone in on a secret? There’s a special light that immediately sparks in their eyes. It’s as though you invited that person to become your friend through your newfound secret. Well, just this last Christmas, I decided to let a waitress in on Build Then Bless. What happened next was just like the magic of sharing secrets.

As we entered the restaurant that night, I saw a family getting ready to leave. When our waitress came to our table, I asked her if she could help me spread some Christmas cheer. She got excited. She realized that I was inviting her to help me “Build Then Bless.”

I told her my plan. When the family was ready to pay, she was going to take my card and help pay for part of the family’s meal. She excitedly agreed. Her eyes lit up. She knew that she not only was helping me bless this family, but in a way, she was doing it too! She had joined forces with me to create some Christmas magic for this family.

Watching her excitement was a gift in itself. When the family finished their meal, the waitress brought them their bill and explained that part of it had already been taken care of by a stranger. She was thrilled to deliver the news. At the end of the night, I was able to give her a nice tip as well as a “thank you” for helping me secretly deliver some cheer.

My favorite part of all this was simply that this waitress got to experience the joy of Build Then Bless. She was not just watching it take place, she became part of the experience. She was crucial to the success of the secret operation. Because of it, she had a better night.

Many people in our lives would be better not from purely receiving help, but from being invited to join us in serving our communities. Build Then Bless is the good flu—its influence is contagious. When we share it, we get to build one another in the process.

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Build Then Bless® is a first-of-its-kind cultural operating system for your business or organization that has the power to transform your people and truly change the world.

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