Abby Haralson

Did you know that the odds of being bitten by a shark are 1 in 11.5 million? Since being bitten in 2023, Adrie has been exponentially more wary of lightning, hanging AC units, and all other potential accidents. While she loves writing and rhetoric, her favorite part about her job is her team. Who knew that working with the wittiest, kindest people on the planet could make work so enjoyable!? She fills her free time with reading as much as possible, pranking her husband, spending time at the beach, and beating PRs in the gym.

Adrienne Patton

Businesses Doing Good: Carry On Foundation

“We want to create a resilient youth; we just happen to use skateboarding.” Build Then Bless has two main goals: to improve the world one micro-interaction at a time, and to highlight businesses trying to do the same. It’d be tough to find another business in Utah who’s more dialed in on “micro-interactions” than Thread…

Adrienne Patton

My First Build Then Bless Experience

Even though I’m usually more cautious (thanks to many hours of true crime podcasts), I had the overwhelming feeling that I needed to help. I opened the door.  93% of Lemonade Stand’s employees chose to work there because of their culture operating system, called Build Then Bless. I am in the 7%—the small group who…

Adrienne Patton

A Tale of Two Cities and One Street Musician

I couldn’t believe it. He had made it to New York City, and I was finally in a position to send him a tip. Last September, I had truly one of the most serendipitous, endearingly-bizarre experiences of my life outside of Grand Central Station. But in order for you to understand what happened to me…